How Images Would Stand Out On Pinterest
| September 16, 2017How Images Would Stand Out On Pinterest
Do you want your pictures stand out and get noticed in Pinterest? Outstanding images get pinned and re-pinned extensively making them viral and popular. With over 12 million users and over 10 million page views a month, it is important that the picture that you release in the wild gets noticed.
There is actually a difference between a 50 re-pins and no re-pins. It will all boil down on how you optimize the images to make it palatable to Pinterest users. Then, how do you make pictures interesting enough to be pinned by other users? The secret will be revealed after the jump.
If you want your pictures to get noticed, stick to originals. Upload originals to Pinterest most of the time. Re-pins are great but it hardly becomes viral. Unknown to a lot of people, but one key component to great chances of being re-pinned is in the file name. Great file names will be more interesting than techie ones. Who would love, zye_2010.jpg compared to chocolate_love.jpg? Images should have on their file names the targeted phrases.
The way you pin, re-pin and like plays a great role in making sure that the images appears in a stellar position. That is why it is advisable to pin from a variety of sources compared to pinning from a single site. Whenever you upload an image make sure you edit the URL so you can add a link. By default, Pinterest does not ask you to provide a URL for an uploaded photo. Don’t waste this golden opportunity.
This has been said before; do not include lengthy descriptions on your images. Lengthy descriptions defeat the purpose of having great images. There is no point in looking and appreciating the image when there is a 500-character description ruining it. Settle for optimized captions with the necessary keywords and you can add more on the comments section.
If you want to be professional about it, take time and research on the unique photos that users want to see. You can get an idea from the specialized pinboards of users. If you are in the furniture business, take a look at the most dominant interior design pinboard and look at the trends that they are pinning. Create styles that you have seen and photograph it for Pinterest. Chances are more people that are interested in interior designing will take notice and try to pin more photographs on your site where it can generate lots of traffic.
If you want images to stand out, you must not forget that Pinterest is not an advertising platform it is a social media network. With this principle in mind, you should be also pinning other stuff apart from your products and services. This will give your followers other things to see and prevent Pinterest fatigue.
Make sure to create lots of interesting Pinboards and make sure that the boards are rich in pertinent keywords. Just think of this for a sec. A board with “smartphones I adore” is less effective than “where to get coolest smartphones”. Again the key here is to optimize the boards and make sure that people are getting directed to your website.
Pinterest continues to be the fastest-rising social media today. Its rise to prominence is nothing short of phenomenal. You can only harness its potential if you know how to play your cards right. If you want to succeed in Pinterest marketing you should start finding ways how to attract people to your boards and start driving phenomenal traffic to your own site.