Coming Across Applied Arts
| September 15, 2017Unsurprisingly, since I am a fun of interior design, when I recently received an IKEA catalogue by mail I did not loose any time before scanning its colorful pages to check all the new styles in contemporary décor and the reasonably priced furniture produced by the Swedish giant. It was at that point in time when I realized that most of the designers portrayed in that catalogue’s issue were in fact representatives of applied arts.
Interestingly enough, my online search revealed that most of the designers I liked were in fact involved in one or more art professions. From architects to interior decorators, these people applied their design and aesthetics to objects of function and everyday use, generating what is today known as applied arts. The distinction between applied and fine arts is that the latter serve as intellectual simulation to the viewer, while the former incorporate design and creative ideas to objects of utility, such as a vase, a plate, a chair, or a garden table. According to experts, the fields of industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, interior design, decorative art and functional art are considered applied arts. In the creative context, architecture and photography also fall in the category of applied arts.
Upon examining how broad the spectrum of applied arts is, I realized that each and everyone can become, or has been, an applied arts representative. If you have ever used your creativity to rejuvenate that old grandma’s tapestry, for example, or are currently in the process of redesigning your living room space, you are probably an applied arts agent without even knowing it! Perhaps it is not time yet to be featured in a magazine or catalogue, but regardless of your personal taste and crafting capabilities you should feel proud to put your energy and creative passion into good use.
On the other hand, if you have not yet indulged yourself with the pleasure of designing and producing something from scratch or improving something that already exists, take a good look around and I guarantee you that something needs fixing. Why not put your skills and aesthetics into use at the same time? Instead of just changing the fabric on the dining room chairs, explore new ways of putting your imagination into use. Whatever you may once have considered of doing, take the initiative, visit your local hardware and arts stores and get into action. The only thing more rewarding than trying is the look of admiration from your friends and family. Then, who knows? You might even consider following a new career path in the realm of applied arts!